Insights and advice

that every over-functioning Superwoman needs to read on their journey to great sex, more intimacy and more connected relationships.

The Mother Wound And Re-Learning The Value Of Feminine Support

 What Is The Mother Wound?

The mother wound is the pain or trauma inherited from your mother and the type of feminine support (or lack thereof) that was given to you. It derives from our society’s conditioning, where with each generation, more freedoms and opportunities have been given...


Women’s Mental Health - Why It’s Dismissed and How to Improve It

Women are two times as likely as men to be diagnosed with depression. Why? Because as well meaning as doctors are, the current health system isn’t set up to meet the needs of women.

Anhedonia, or the inability to feel pleasure, is becoming more and more common amongst women with them...


Anxious and Avoidant Partners: How to End The Pressure Cycle

 We often see romantic relationships where one partner has an anxious attachment style, and the other has an avoidant attachment style. It’s a common pattern, an anxious, over-functioner paired with a laid back under-functioner. However being stuck on one side of the spectrum or the...


Anxious Attachment Style and How You Can Heal

 Attachment styles have been getting a lot of attention recently. In broad terms, attachment styles are a summary of patterns and behaviours that stem from how you were raised. These patterns can end up directly affecting your relationships as an adult when you don’t take the time and...


Jealousy: Are You Crazy? Or Are Your Needs Not Being Met?

Let’s talk about jealousy in relationships. Is it normal? Sometimes. Is it healthy? Believe it or not it can be. 

There’s a difference between healthy and unhealthy jealousy. Healthy jealousy can lead to open conversations and better communication, whereas the opposite can lead...


Beyond the Bedroom: Saving Your Relationship with Pleasure

The term “pleasure” is complicated and often misunderstood. To many women, pleasure has become a bad word. But, why? There’s one thing that’s important to get straight. Pleasure is not always sexual.

“Pleasure” can encompass many things, like the feeling you...


Why Painful Sex Affects Relationships More Than We Think

Do you experience pain during sex? Sometimes the pain comes out after giving birth, other times it is a pelvic issue. When sex is painful, it can affect a relationships more than you think. From avoiding sex altogether, to feeling like you to have to have it. These are all results from...


How Adele's Album About Divorce is Changing the Conversation

What is it Adele and Jordin have in common? Divorce.

Divorce is becoming more and more common in society. There’s even a new album covering it. But that doesn’t make it any easier.

Sometimes it happens because the sex has become routine, or non-existent. Other times you may be feeling...


The Reality of Female Sex Education and Common Misconceptions

The lack of sexual education when it comes to women and their bodies is alarming. If you happened to receive any education in school sex-ed classes, it was likely based on gender stereotypes and a brief overview of the part and mechanics. Nothing to do with pleasure and no addressing the common...


Radical Relationship Inventory: Have You Updated the Terms and Agreements of Your Relationship Recently?

Being in a relationship is more than just love and romance. At some point we have to be good roommates to one another by expressing our needs and communicating the changes we want to see. If one person in the relationship is always being the generous roommate - taking care of the cooking, the...


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