Meet Jordin

Dr. Jordin Wiggins is a Naturopathic Doctor, Pleasure & Intimacy Coach and author.

She teaches high-achieving, successful women how to be as badass in the bedroom and relationships as they are in business. 

She is the CEO of the Pleasure Collective, a coaching community for women reclaiming their pleasure as well as the author of The Pink Canary, an investigation into the hidden secret to optimal women’s wellness.

Jordin hosts The Pleasure Principles podcast, where she dedicates her time to exploring and understanding pleasure, health, and sex in today's society.

She is a regular contributor to articles and TV, including Cityline, Cosmopolitan, and The Washington Post, advocating for women’s health and right to pleasure.

Dr. Jordin Wiggins ND maintains a small private practice in Ontario to helps entrepreneurs and professional women feel their best. 

It is her mission for women to have as much success in their health and relationships and as they do in their careers through learning to receive, trust, and attract.

And she gets it - it because she was there too - a burnt out, exhausted, divorced, Superwoman living for everyone else. Combining her years of medical and holistic knowledge with personal experience and exploration, she unlocked her desires, attracted her reality as a fulfilled CEO, mom, naturopathic doctor, friend, lover, and women’s wellness advocate. 

And she is passionate about leading you to do the same.

"I believe that great sex is just the beginning - everything comes when you learn how to receive: better sex, better health, & more wealth."


Relevant information, community, and a mindset framework designed to give you the intimacy, confidence, and CONNECTION you desire

The Pink Canary by Dr. Jordin Wiggins ND

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