Insights and advice

that every over-functioning Superwoman needs to read on their journey to great sex, more intimacy and more connected relationships.

My Fears of Becoming a Mother

 This blog is for the women who have fears about becoming a mother.


We so often talk about the “joys of motherhood” the “I always knew I was meant to be a mother”, but we rarely talk about the fears…


Am I going to be good enough?


Am I going...


Innies and Outies...No, We're Not Talking About Belly Buttons

It has come to my attention that there is a trend going around online (mostly with young adults and teens) about “innies” and “outies”. 

No, we’re not talking belly buttons. 

We’re talking vulvas. 

Men are sharing their...


The Testosterone Myth

Myth: low testosterone is the reason for low libido in women and the cure.

Fact: Low testosterone MAY be a contributing factor to low libido and sexual dysfunction for some women (get proper testing done from your doctor), but it is not the only or most likely contributing factor. 

Yes, it...


Pregnancy & Pleasure

Pregnancy and Pleasure: Not Taboo Anymore

Pleasure is always a taboo topic for women. We can’t be too forward, too brash, too crass about what we like and how we like it. But Pleasure and Pregnancy? UNHEARD OF!

Until now…

Let’s get into it – the down and dirty – of...


The Things I Wish Someone Told me About Pregnancy: 1st Trimester

An honest discussion of the truths we should tell each other about pregnancy (that I wish I knew).

For those closest to me, you know being a mother was never top on my priority list.

It was one of those vague, “maybe one day”, goals. I’d be happy if it happened, but I’d be...


How to Break out of Routine and Save your Relationship with Ritual

I had a call last week with one of my private clients. Her name is Kate and she is a 43 year old female on maternity leave with her 3rd child. 

She confessed, “sex has been on the back burner in my relationship for years”.

She said her husband is very understanding but it is...


FAQ: Vagina Edition

Ask Jordin:

Does my vagina look weird?


Every vagina is different – in size, shape and colour. Every vagina is normal. Your vagina is normal and beautiful and does not need to live up to some unrealistic vaginal beauty standard of surgical-level symmetry and uniformity. 



Treat Your Vagina Right Ā 


Our topic today is vaginal health.

Last week we talked about the common infections those of us with a vulva/vagina are susceptible to. This week we are talking about the best ways to care and show your love for your vagina and all the miracles it provides.

  1. Gut Health

Yes, you heard me...


Common Vaginal Infections and the Ways you Definitely Shouldnā€™t Treat Them!

Our vaginas get sick.

They just do, like any other infection in any other part of our bodies, and it’s time we stop shaming ourselves (and others) for having a vagina that’s in need of a little extra attention.

Vaginal infections can be caused by sexually transmitted infections...


Sexting 101: The 5Ws of Sexting

Sexting is a great way to build desire and cultivate intimacy with your partner.

And these are my rules for sexting... 

Sexting is appropriate when it is:

  1. Consensual

Sexting is NOT appropriate when:

  1. It is not consensual.

That’s it. Those are the rules.

Oh, and don’t share...


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