Insights and advice

that every over-functioning Superwoman needs to read on their journey to great sex, more intimacy and more connected relationships.

Not Your Average Sex Tips: How To Be In Your Feminine For Better Sex

If I know one thing about over-functioning Superwomen, it’s that you are smart, capable and you have done your work. You’ve spoken to the therapists, you’ve searched Dr. Google, you’ve listened to the podcasts. You’re used to
taking control and managing everything,...


Why “Retiring Your Husband” is a Great Business Goal but Bad For Your Relationship


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The tools that you use to succeed in business and your career are not the tools you need to succeed in a relationship or to have a fulfilling sex life.

And if you’ve been following my story for long enough, you know I know this...


How Control And Being the “Fixer” Is Keeping You From Real Love And Connections


At the end of the day, the skills that make Superwomen so successful in the boardroom and running their businesses are actually a huge disadvantage in the bedroom and in relationships.

Being referred to as “controlling” has a negative stigma attached to it which is why...


My Journey to Feminine Burnout and Back: The Signs, The Cause, The Healing

One thing about me is that I’m not shy about telling my story. In fact, in my book The Pink Canary, I’m very transparent about my experiences with my “rebellious vagina”, my libido, navigating the healthcare system, and everything in between.

And I think it’s...


Feminine Burnout: The Woman Who Cannot Orgasm

Working with women experiencing the physical and mental symptoms of Feminine Burnout is something I do every day. And after helping thousands of women around the globe transform their lives, I have many stories to share.

In this article I’m going to be talking about my client Monica....


Your Recently Asked Relationship and Intimacy Questions Answered

If you know me, you know that being a trusted source for you to ask questions about your relationships and sex life brings me so much joy.

There’s one thing I can tell you for certain and it’s that the sexual health education we received growing up, for lack of a better word, sucked....


Feminine Burnout: The Woman Who Doesn't Know What She Wants

If you’re reading this article, there’s a good chance you’re a successful, over-functioning Superwoman with symptoms of Feminine Burnout.

This may include being unable to ask for help, never having time for yourself, or instances where you have difficulty being nice to people....


Feminine Burnout: The Woman Who Can’t Be Nice To People

Feminine Burnout shows up in numerous ways including the inability to ask for help and difficulty making time for yourself, which I’ve previously written about. Today I want to talk about the woman who can’t be nice to people.

I know this woman. I’ve been this woman. And if...


A Guide For Men: How To Pleasure a Woman And Have Better Sex

I spend a lot of my time working with overwhelmed women who put their needs at the bottom of their to-do list, who are craving more joy, more intimacy, and more pleasure. And almost all of them have pleaded with me to help their men learn how to pleasure a woman in bed.

So here we are. 



Feminine Burnout: The Woman Who Doesn't Have Time For Herself

There are many similarities between most of our clients who are experiencing Feminine Burnout. One of those traits is that they have trouble asking for help, which I wrote about last week. 

This week, however, I want to talk about the woman who doesn’t make time for herself



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