Ep #148 - How To Get An Under-Functioning Man to Step Up

Oct 04, 2024


In today’s episode, Jordin dives into a question she hears all the time: “How do I get my under-functioning partner to step up?” If you’ve been holding everything together in your career and at home, constantly fixing, showing up for everyone else, and still feeling unseen, unappreciated, and exhausted, this episode is for you.

Jordin explains how over-giving leads to burnout, impacts our ability to connect with our partners, and creates the very dynamic we're trying to avoid. She shares why simply communicating more or going on date nights doesn’t fix the issue, and the hard truth: half of the problem is us.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why over-functioning leads to under-functioning partners
  • The impact of burnout on intimacy and connection
  • How to shift from survival mode to feeling fully supported and desired
  • Practical steps to turn your pleasure centers back on and invite deeper connection into your relationship

Jordin also shares personal stories of her clients, whose partners have gone from passive to proactive, taking the lead in ways that transformed their relationships. If you’ve been giving and giving, feeling like you’re still not getting what you need, tune in to discover the real solution.

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