Ep #154 - How Overdoing Gratitude Is Blocking Your Feminine Power & Disconnecting Your Relationships (And How To Fix It)

Nov 21, 2024


In this episode of The Pleasure Principles, Jordin dives deep into the hidden ways gratitude can disconnect us in our relationships, and how to reclaim it as a tool for intimacy and connection. Superwomen often overdo gratitude, settling for crumbs and masking their deeper needs. Jordin explores why this happens and provides actionable strategies to use gratitude to expand your capacity for love, joy, and pleasure.

You’ll learn:

  • Why over-praising and autopilot thank-yous are killing your intimacy
  • The truth about settling for crumbs and shrinking your desires
  • How genuine, vulnerable gratitude can deepen connection and foster intimacy
  • A step-by-step process for practicing authentic gratitude (even when it feels uncomfortable)

This episode is for you if:

  • You’re exhausted from over-giving and feel unfulfilled in your relationships
  • You struggle to express your desires without shrinking or apologizing
  • You want to shift the dynamics in your relationship and experience deeper connection

Stop settling for crumbs, Superwoman. Start practicing gratitude in a way that strengthens your relationships and reignites your feminine power.

Click here to apply for 1:1 private coaching with Jordin 
Click here to follow @drjordinwiggins on Instagram



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