Your Sexual Health Re-education: The Vagina Edition

Jul 23, 2021

Talking about vaginas and vulvas is another taboo topic. If I polled everyone right now, how many of you have ever actually looked at your vulva? Do you know what the difference is between a vulva and a vagina

Most of us have been calling our anatomy the wrong name most of our lives because we’ve been taught incorrectly.

You cannot see your vagina unless you have x-ray vision, because it is internal. The vagina actually means sheath, which is like the part that covers the sword. What you see is your vulva.

On episode # 11 of The Pleasure Principles Podcast, you’ll find out more about why it’s important to know the difference, for you and for generations to come. 

I talk about the 3 most common questions I get asked about vulvas and vaginas:

  1. Do I look normal?

This one is often asked during a pap smear or vaginal exam. The short answer is yes. There are so many colours, textures, and shades of labia, as well as internal or external vulvas – every vulva is different and beautiful as is.

  1. What about STIs?

Shame around an STI can impact your libido and ability to be turned on. But an STI is like a cold for your vulva. We should practice safe sex, but we shouldn’t be shaming others for getting an STI. If STI testing is normalized, more people will get tested and treated.

  1. Is it better to shave or wax?

We often feel pressured to be bare, to look or smell a certain way. This can be painful, expensive and time consuming. We should be doing what we like with our pubic hair instead of doing what we think we need to. 

Don't let society or the porn industry tell you what to do with your own body. 

You are not broken, what you’ve been taught is! This is ruining your libido, it is keeping you away from the connected relationships, the intimacy, the orgasms, the success that you know you can have. 

We're spending way too much time worrying about what other people think. Let’s accept our bodies for the beauties that they are.

For more on your sexual health re-education, listen to episode # 11 on Apple. Or on Spotify

And if you like what you hear, do us a favour and leave a rating or review. Your support helps me get discovered by more women like you. 


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