The Pleasure Principles

The groundbreaking program to enhance, reignite, and communicate your desires, while bringing the vitality back to you and your relationships.
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The Pleasure Principles is for you if:

❥ You want to create a deeper connection with your partner AND your own pleasure

❥ You want to explore your desires on a deeper level, and learn to communicate them in a way where you will be heard and understood

❥ You're looking for a unique approach to sex, sexiness and fulfillment that doesn't feel fake or like you are stepping out of your power

❥ You want to develop a deeper soul connection with your romantic partner, without needing his (involvement). We focus on you!

No more excuses, I'm in.

Deeper connection and intimacy requires pleasure, presence, and connection.

The Pleasure Principles program will provide you with the tools you need to get there.

The Pleasure Principles Course & Community

The Pleasure Principles is a curated, online program with monthly group coaching and group chat community.

What you'll receive:

❥ Lifetime access to the online learning portal: This is where you will find all of your teachings, worksheets, formulas, and resources.

❥ 1 group video call per month lead by Jordin: Where you can show up to ask, discuss, and share to get real life and actionable solutions for the challenges you are facing.

❥ Interactive group chat to stay connected between calls: Because community, sisterhood and connection is part of the healing.

Pleasure Anatomy

Expand your understanding of  how your body works, responds, and experiences pleasure, from anatomy to orgasms and hormonal cascades. The sex education you wish you had. 

Pleasure Beliefs

The past is holding you back. Tackle the outdated sex and pleasure beliefs that are turning off the pleasure centres in your brain! Learn to be present and experiencing great sex and connection.

Overcoming Overwhelm

Stress and sex do not mix! Understand the impact of stress on the body's desire response and learn ways to reignite the pleasure centres in your brain so you can want to want to have sex again. 

Connect with Communication

All of the best sex information in the world is useless if you cannot communicate your wants to your partner. Learn tips and be given formulas & scripts for asking for what you want without the fight. 

Dial Up Desire

Learn Jordin's formula for uncovering hidden desires you never knew you had with the freedom to explore them without shame or guilt.

Learn to Recieve

The most important skill you will learn from the Pleasure Principles. How to cut through the self-doubt to feel worthy of receiving all the pleasure you deserve. Without having to earn it. 

I'm Jordin Wiggins, ND

Enrol & work with me!

Jordin is a Naturopathic Doctor, author and Pleasure and Intimacy coach.

She is the CEO of the Pleasure Collective, a coaching community for women reclaiming their pleasure, the author of The Pink Canary, an investigation into the hidden secret to optimal women’s wellness, host of The Pleasure Principles podcast, and retired owner of 7 figure women's health clinic.

She is a regular contributor to articles and TV, including Cityline, Cosmopolitan, and The Washington Post, advocating for women’s health and right to pleasure.

Dr. Wiggins helps entrepreneurs and professional women feel their best and have as much success in their relationships as they do in their careers through learning to receive, trust, and attract.

She gets it because she was there too. A burnt out, exhausted, Superwoman living for everyone else.

She believes that great sex is just the beginning - everything comes when you learn how to receive: better sex, better health, more wealth.  

"My sex life is better. My husband and I talk about sex. I used to feel so guilty about not wanting to have sex with him. But now I can enjoy the intimacy we do have because I am not so in my head worrying all the time. The to-do list has finally stopped. He even shared that he has been enjoying the new kind of intimacy we have more. I feel sexier in my skin. I don’t feel ashamed to be sexy and be feminine. I even enjoy initiating sex more. My libido is significantly better than it was and I don’t experience any pain with sex like I used to."

Alison S. 37 y/o. Married. 

"I spent years reading every book under the sun but I could never find a structure that actually helped me start making real change. Because I would get overwhelmed and feel guilty that I couldn’t do what they were telling me to do, like it was just so easy for everyone else. This program is what I needed. Accountability and a structure that actually works for the things I wanted to see change. It's group, but it is so individual. My relationships got better, my friendships got better. I even got promoted at work."

GL. 41 y/o. Mother of Three.

"I don't know where I would be without this program. I was miserable. I was taking it out on my husband and my kids and my employees. I don't even want to think about what they would say about me. I wake up and know what will bring me pleasure that day. I know that I’m doing things for me, not for someone else. My libido is higher than it has been in 18 husband has been the one to say no to me! Our relationship is better than when we first met, my kids are happier, my staff is happier. I AM HAPPIER."

Kaitlyn P. 49 y/o. Business Owner.


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Is The Pleasure Principles right for you?


This program and community is for you if:

❥ You are excited and a little scared

❥ You are partnered or single (the focus is on YOUR pleasure)

❥ You have tried therapy, coaching, podcasts, books and something is still missing

❥ You’re looking for an approach to sex, sexiness and femininity that feels safe and authentic to you

❥ Your needs aren't being met

❥ You want to feel more energized, balanced and desired

Join The Pleasure Principles

It's time to reconnect and learn to receive pleasure. Because the cost is too high if you don't.


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