$715.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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Pleasure + Power Bundle

This new, never been done before offer is only available for a limited time!

*Full details of what's included below*

This is for you if:

  • You struggle to enjoy yourself - on vacation, in the bedroom and even the success you have built 
  • You want to learn how to care for yourself, prioritize your pleasure and relationships without stepping back from your success 
  • Your life looks good on the outside, you have the career, house, family, but something is missing 
  • You are looking for better sex, more connected relationships and to prioritize your health in 2023  
  • You want to learn how to care for yourself and not step back from everything you have achieved and want to be 
  • Your health has been impacted by everything that you try to achieve - you are burnout, have the same crash that keeps repeating or the stubborn weight you can’t get off 
  • You are rushing through life, cant connect and don't feel present 
  • You have done the things - therapy, health practitioners and something is still missing 

This is not: 

  • Dancing under the full moon in a flowy dress & looking at your vulva in the mirror 
  • Going to take a lot of time (we know how much you have on your plate) 
  • Your average sex and health advice… you are brilliant & resourceful, if the answer was on a podcast or coarse you would have found it already 
  • For you if you want to stay stuck in the same story 
  • If you would rather keep over-functioning instead of learning how to relax a little and be cared for

Why this Bundle? Why Now?

The programs that Superwomen like you need in order to feel PLEASURE in your life, relationship and career involve:

  • Learning to care for your body in a pleasurable way 
  • Learning to reconnect your relationships 
  • Exploring your sexuality with a framework that feels safe and fun 
  • Learning what you like and how to feel comfortable asking for it 

You have tried all the things (therapy, podcasts, online courses), my work speaks to you and you don't want to be feeling the same way you do now at the end of 2023. 

What you get:

2 self-paced courses ($6000 value) 

  • Pleasure Principles 
  • Feminine Burnout Recovery 
  • $6000 Value!!!!


  • 2 live group coaching calls per month 

Over 30 Hours of recorded training by Dr. J

  • Communication 
  • Desires
  • Health and hormones 
  • Boundaries  

Worksheets and handouts 

Meal plans and shopping lists

Accountability - Tracking app 

Information on advanced medical testing and lab work for Superwomen

Don’t waste more time feeling lonely and unfulfilled! 
You know what will happen if you continue to avoid this area of your life. 

This is the bundle for you.





What People Are Saying:

I spent years reading every book under the sun but I could never find a structure that actually helped me start making real change. Because I would get overwhelmed and feel guilty that I couldn’t do what they were telling me to do, like it was just so easy for everyone else. This program is what I needed. Accountability and a structure that actually works for the things I wanted to see change. It's group, but it is so individual. My relationships got better, my friendships got better. I even got promoted at work.

GL. 41 y/o, Mother of Three

I don't know where I would be without this program. I was miserable. I was taking it out on my husband and my kids and my employees. I don't even want to think about what they would say about me. I wake up and know what will bring me pleasure that day. I know that I’m doing things for me, not for someone else. My libido is higher than it has been in 18 years...my husband has been the one to say no to me! Our relationship is better than when we first met, my kids are happier, my staff is happier. I AM HAPPIER.

Kaitlyn P. 49 y/o, Business Owner

My sex life is better. My husband and I talk about sex. I used to feel so guilty about not wanting to have sex with him. But now I can enjoy the intimacy we do have because I am not so in my head worrying all the time. The to-do list has finally stopped. He even shared that he has been enjoying the new kind of intimacy we have more. I feel sexier in my skin. I don’t feel ashamed to be sexy and be feminine. I even enjoy initiating sex more. My libido is significantly better than it was and I don’t experience any pain with sex like I used to.

Alison S. 37 y/o, Married